(E-mail dated 1-11-2001 in response to customer inquiry)
Hello, and thank you for writing to Yahoo! Customer Care. You should remove all of your files and then publish your site using Front Page again. For instructions on how to publish your FrontPage web site, please see this help page: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/geo/frontpage/
Please note that we only support the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions. If you are using any other version of FrontPage and are trying to upload files that require older FrontPage Server Extensions, they may be rejected by our servers. However, you may still use FrontPage 97 & 98 to create and edit your pages then upload them using FTP, but any features that require the Server Extensions (forms, counter, etc.) will not function. Please check out our list of CGIs and other interactive features to use on your site: http://geocities.yahoo.com/members/addons/ (dead link 2002)
Please refer to this help page for instructions on publishing your FrontPage 98 web site:
*** NOTES ***
1) If you are receiving the username/password prompt repeatedly, please review this help page:
2) If you have published your FrontPage web site and still do not see your home page when accessing your URL, you might need to delete the
original "index.html" file from your File Manager and rename your preferred home page to "index.html" >From the File Manager, you can rename your files. Please log in to your File Manager by going to: http://geocities.yahoo.com/members/cgi-bin/homestead/file_manager (dead link 2002)
3) FrontPage allows you to include spaces in file and folder names, but unfortunately, you will not be able to rename or delete them using your File Manager. Please make sure to remove spaces or special characters when naming your files and folders before uploading your FrontPage web site.
You may try using an FTP client to delete any of those files or folders that you may have already uploaded. Download FTP clients here:
If none of these work, you may reply to this email and let us know if you need to have files deleted or renamed.
4)If you are receiving a message regarding the Server Extensions not installed, please review and verify that you are following the publishing steps on this help page below. Please note that this only applies to FP2000:
Some users have experienced difficulty making page updates after successfully uploading their FrontPage web site. If this occurs, please try selecting the "Publish all pages" option instead of "Publish changed pages only". This can be found by clicking on the Options button after choosing "Publish Web..."
5) If you received an error that mentions not being able to find the file named "author.dll", Please be advised that this is a known Microsoft bug. The suggested solution is found in this article on their site: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q201/3/74.ASP
6) For assistance with FrontPage 2000's features, please refer to the help topics within FrontPage by clicking on "Help" on the menu bar, or by pressing F1 on your keyboard while FrontPage is open. You may also search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for any other specific issues that you may encounter with FrontPage:
7) Database capabilities of FrontPage is currently not supported (ASP)
8) The Shared Borders feature may not function at this time. Our engineers are looking to resolve this issue. If you are still experiencing problems after trying the suggested solutions above, please supply us with some additional information to help us investigate the issues:
- An exact date/time when you tried publishing with FrontPage and failed
- The version you are using
- The settings you used (excluding password)
- The error code and text that you may have seen
Yahoo! GeoCities Support http://geocities.yahoo.com/
Original Message Follows:
Thanks, but that does NOT solve my problem. I think you need to re-install FrontPage 2000 Extensions on the servers
hosting my Geocities sites
http://www.geocities.com/mikebaird1/ and
Thanks, Mike Baird
--- Yahoo Login Support <my-login-support@[remove]yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care. We realize that this email is lengthy, but please read the entire message below, as your answer may be included. > Within this email, you will find information on how to:
> II. SEARCH FOR YOUR YAHOO! ID (if you forgot it)
> III. REQUEST A NEW PASSWORD (if you forgot it, or it is not working)
> IV. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD (you must know your current password first)
> 1. Go to any of Yahoo!'s personalized properties (such as Yahoo! Chat, > Yahoo! Games, My Yahoo!, etc.) and sign in. ****
> 2. In the top right hand corner, click on "Account Info."
> 3. Click on "edit" next to the member information portion of this page.
> 4. This screen will allow you to change your alternate email address and choose which address you would like for your primary email. This simply means that this address is the one where you will receive all your confirmation messages if you ever request a new password. If you have signed up to receive special offers from Yahoo!, this is also where you would receive these promotions.
> 5. Please make sure to click the "finish" button after you have edited any information.
> **** For account users who want to change their alternate email via
> Yahoo! Mail, follow these instructions:
> 1. Log into your Yahoo! Mail account using your current password.
> 2. Click the "Options" link on the left-hand navigation bar.
> 3. Choose the "Account Information" link on this screen and continue
> with steps #3, #4, and #5 above.
> If you do not find your answer in this email, however, you may reply if you wish. If you choose to do so, be sure to include the following information. Without all of the following information, we will be unable to process your request.
> 1. Yahoo! ID/Yahoo! GeoCities ID
> 2. ZIP Code you included when you registered for this account
(Non-U.S. residents, please include Country)
> 3. Birth date you included when you registered for this account
> 4. Alternate email address that we currently list
> 5. Your new alternate email address (Please note, this cannot be an
> "@[remove]yahoo.com" address)
> 6. Secret Question and Answer (if applicable).
> II. SEARCH FOR YOUR YAHOO! ID (if you forgot it):
> 1. Return to the Sign In page: <http://edit.yahoo.com>
> 2. Click the "Get Help Signing In" link
> 3. Click the "Yahoo! ID Search" link
> 4. This page will ask for the birthday, alternate email address, and ZIP
> Code that you included when you registered for the account.
> 5. Note: If you're using Yahoo! Mail, your Yahoo! ID is the first part of your address. For example, if your Yahoo! Mail address is "person@[remove]yahoo.com", then your Yahoo! ID is "person".
> III. REQUEST A NEW PASSWORD (if you forgot it, or it is not working)
> If you are having trouble with your password, the following are the most common reasons your password might not be accepted by the system:
> 1. Passwords are case sensitive. Please check the Caps Lock key, and try logging in again.
> 2. Punctuation and white space are significant in your password. Please verify all punctuation.
> 3. The date and time on your computer are important. Please verify that they are correct. Passwords are encrypted when stored, so we are not able to tell you your old password.
> To get a new password:
> 1. Return to the Sign In page: <http://edit.yahoo.com>
> 2. Click the "Get Help Signing In link"
> 3. Click the "New Password Request" form link
> 4. Enter your Yahoo! ID and the birthday you included when you
> registered for this account
> 5. Click the Send Request button
> Your new password will automatically be sent to the alternate email address that you specified when you registered for this account.
> ------------------
> IV. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD (you must know your current password first):
> 1. Return to<http://my.yahoo.com> and Sign In, if necessary
> 2. Click the "Account Info" link at the top of the page
> 3. Click "Change Password"
> 4. Enter your old password (or the one we just sent)
> 5. Enter your new password
> 6. Now confirm your new password
> 7. Click Finished
> Please Note: You must know your current password to choose a new one. If > you don't know your current password, see above for instructions on > requesting a new one. >
> ------------------
> To update your Password Question/Secret Answer, please forward the following information to:
> my-login-request@[remove]yahoo-inc.com
> 1. Yahoo! ID
> 2. ZIP Code you included when you registered for this account (Non-U.S. residents, please include Country)
> 3. Birthday you provided at registration
> 4. Your current Password Question and Secret Answer
> 5. The new Password Question and Secret Answer
> 6. Alternate email address that we currently list, if applicable Please Note: The punctuation, spelling, and spacing of your new Secret
> Answer are very important. We will copy the Secret Answer exactly as it appears in your email.
> ------------------
> If you still have your Registration Confirmation email, you can follow the instructions included on how to remove your account. If you no longer have this email, or if the removal link is not functioning, please forward ALL of the following information and include
> REMOVE ENTIRE ACCOUNT or REMOVE MAIL ACCOUNT ONLY in the subject line of your email:
> - Yahoo! ID associated with this account
> - Alternate email address you included during registration
> - Date of birth - Zip Code (International users, please include Country)
> Note: Removing this ID will also remove any other items associated with
> this ID such as aliases*, profiles, classified ads, and Yahoo! Mail addresses.*To check which aliases are associated with this account, go to http://profiles.yahoo.com and sign in with the ID you want deleted.
> Regards,
> Yahoo! Customer Care