Outside of Quito we took a two day trip to nearby Mindo. The community of Mindo,
with its outstanding "Waterfall Blue Lagoon" (Cascada Laguna Azul) nearby, is a
favorite resort area for people from Quito. Following are a few shots of the two-day
trip to Mindo and the falls. Cascada Laguna Azul was most beautiful. To access
it, we drove the bus (with permission) through a mud road on private property, through a
banana plantation, where it got stuck... and then hiked (crawled) down a real
"Romancing the Stone" Cartagena Colombia-style mud-jungle hill (if you saw the
film, you'll know what I'm talking about)... then worked our way up one-half mile through
the river bed to the 150 foot waterfall into the 100 foot diameter lagoon. No camera
made it that far, so there are no photos. For a hint as to how magnificent this was,
here is a picture of a similar waterfall in nearby Colombia... from a stamp.
courtesy of Old Beeg's Waterfall Stamps of the World site at http://hometown.aol.com/oldbeeg/H2Ofalls.html
This is the waterfall I wish I had visited in Ecuador from San
Rafael, http://ftp.sunet.se/ftp/pub/pictures/views/Ecuador/big-falls.jpg
, on Rio Coca - by Pete Carmichael.
Here are some photos from that "Mindo" weekend.
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