La Pedrera Community

The Spanish language school "Casa de Español Xelajú" in Quetzaltenango - known as CEX, supports the "La Pedrera"   community nearby. A typical house in that community is shown above. The staff and programs at CEX are outstanding. Visit their web pages to see what they have to offer. The school has a very strong community service focus. See (new url for 1998) (old url is ) for CEX registration and program information. Juan Carlos Aguilar was the Web Master there. See (new url 1998, 2002) (old url was ) for a school newsletter, with good information on the community, La Pedrera, that they serve.

To better understand the needs of the La Pedrera community, please see

PLEASE NOTE THE NEW URL BELOW for La Pedrera, 1998 is:

Here is an interesting related story....


Por: Ana Fabiola Sutuj

Martes 10 de Septiembre, yo buscaba ayuda y entonces vi a un señor y yo le pedí ayuda para que me enseñara Algebra y él me dijo que si y me enseñó (INTERES CAPITAL ETC). Y así empezó una gran amistad, como él vivía cerca de mi casa en el camino me dijo que quería ser mi Padrino, él es una persona muy buena; yo quiero ser igual que él. GRACIAS MIGUEL.

Yo le escribí un Poema le hice un dibujo Creo que le encanto, claro que depués de algunas clases fue muy triste cuando se fue.

By Mike Baird

My brother Jim and I were hanging around the courtyard, after our first Spanish lesson, when we were approached by Heidi, one of the dedicated CEX staff. "Anyone want to teach English or Mathematics tonight to some kids from the community project?"

"Sure, why not," we replied. I soon found myself at a beat up table outdoors, surrounded by four very hungry (for both knowledge and food evidently) kids, on equally worn out wood chairs. Three of my newfound students met me eagerly with bright eyes -- the other seemed a bit depressed. Each clearly needed someone to help in building not only basic skills in math and English, but in developing self-esteem as well. The appointed hour passed in what felt to be a moment. As the hour was ending, my older brother Jim, who was engaged in a similar group, called over to me and asked, "Where else would you rather be in the whole world tonight?"
"This is it!" I replied. I hadn't felt this rich in ages. The kids were helping me at least as much as I was helping them. From then on during our brief two weeks stay, we taught three or four nights a week. It was something worth doing, and it felt good. It helped us practice our Spanish. But more than anything, it helped us reset our priorities on what was important to us in life.

After the first class, from a third table, a bold and confident Miss Ana Fabiola Sutuj, 14, approached me. "Are you a teacher? Do you know advanced math? Can you teach me things about time-value-of-money, capital, interest, etc." I said I was not a teacher, but an engineer but I certainly knew of these things, and would be glad to try to teach her. As the hour was ending, I asked her if she was tired. "Not yet we still have five minutes to go!" She wanted every opportunity, every minute, every chance to succeed. She asked for one-on-one teaching from me every day thereafter in math and English. Ana's enthusiasm, intelligence, and amiable personality clearly touched my heart. We had dinner together twice with some other students and teachers at a nearby restaurant (a real treat for the kids), and I was privileged to met her proud parents and to be invited into her house on two occasions. I guess you could say that we bonded.

The next day in the office I asked Heidi how I could further help Ana. After all, I was going home in just another week. It was then that I learned that CEX had a formal program for sponsoring deserving children like Ana. For less than a dollar a day, I could make a difference in the quality of life of one very important individual. There are dozens of Anas in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, whom you could help if you reach out too.

Mike Baird

Proyecto La Pedrera  
(see for the latest official information)

Attention: Julio Batres  c/o Casa de Español Xelajú

3034 47th. Ave. S.
Minneapolis MN 55406
Toll free in USA 888-796-CASA
World 612-729-9253
Fax 612-729-9264 

or contact  Mike Baird  mike@[remove] 

Proyecto La Pedrera
Casa de Español Xelajú
Apartado Postal 302
Callejon 15 Diagonal 13-02 Zona 1
One block away from Plazuela Paco Perez
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
Int. Phone 502-761-5954
Int. Fax 502-761-5953
Within Guatemala use 761 prefix
and the last four digits.

Phone: (502) 761-5954
...........(502) 761-5955
Fax: ...(502) 761-5953

or E-mail:

Photos of sponsored student Ana Fabiola Sutuj Aguilar ANA_RED.jpg (297378 bytes) ANA_BW.gif (442989 bytes)

12/01 Contribute to Ana Fabiola Sutuj Aguilar's Education Account 

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elizabeth-jenner.jpg (30900 bytes) elizabeth-jenner.jpg (18415 bytes) Elizabeth Jenner - Elizabeth Jenner is one of two co-founders of Friends of Pasac Segundo. She is a member of the Board of Directors and the International Project Developer. She recently resided in Xela, and visits the community as often as possible!
 stephanie-lindquist.jpg (21708 bytes) Stephanie Lindquist -
Stephanie Lindquist is a member of the International Team. Along with Elizabeth, she is helping to develop new projects and goals for the International Team. She also recently resided in Xela. Photo taken in Pasac Segundo.

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