I took the trip to Costa Rica in 2005 finally....
Recommended Hotel
Plinio, Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica Map
of area;
e-mail from a friend who
introduced me to this place...
"All the bugs; none of the bites.
Terry Riley"
From http://www.parlo.com/ (highly recommended for daily e-mail-based language lessons online): Bad Country is just a literal translation of Mal País, the name of a beautiful, tranquil beach on the North Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. It's hard to imagine why it's called so. In fact, the whole coast of the Península de Nicoya is an excellent choice for an ocean-side vacation, with easy access to stunning parques de reserva natural (natural reserve parks). Mal País is a favorite vacation spot for many costarricenses or ticos (Costa Ricans). Playas del Coco and Santa Teresa, along the same coast, are also very popular with international surfers. Even though this area of Costa Rica has excellent facilities for tourism, it is still very peaceful. If you ever visit this exuberant stretch of the Pacific Coast, don't miss the Reserva Natural Cabo Blanco, a bird sanctuary, where, after two miles of trekking, you end up on a secluded beach. Mal País is definitely a buen país.
Terry Riley's of Errtravel.com's comments
http://www.amerikaventure.com/eng/acc_en.html seems to have good trips not too expensive
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